Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Its that time of year again!!

Well, since its October, its officially THAT time of year again, the time that i have come to dread... ugh.. :) That time being RSV/cold & flu season. Luckily for us this year Zach is 1 year older, and that much bigger. However this is his first season without the help of Oxygen and his RSV/Synagis shots he had been getting the last 2 years. So we don't really know how he is going to react to getting sick (and to be perfectly honest I have no desire to find out).

So we are basically going to have the same rules/guidelines we have had in place sine he came home

1. If you want to come over (or for us to come visit you) you need to get a Flu Shot... its not a request its a fact :) We love you all, but not enough to let you get him sick :)

2. If you are sick, think you might be sick, have been around someone who was sick in the last couple days, have a runny nose, or even if you think it *might* be allergies please stay away :) Don't come over, (even for a quick visit) until it goes away.

Really its just those 2 things, it might sound a little crazy overboard, but I have no desire to spend another night in the hospital if it can be prevented, and I cant bear the thought of having to see another oxygen tank in Zach's room :) I know he probably will get sick at least once, it happens, but again, I'm not going to let it happen if it can be prevented :)

So thanks in advance to everyone for getting your flu shots and keeping yourselves healthy healthy healthy :) We're looking forward to a calm (hospital free!) winter!!


Jennifer said...

Don't worry, we are all getting flu shots so you can still see us occasionally! Will Zach be able to go to Nursery this winter or no?

Christina said...

im not sure, it really makes me nervous, so im not sure what im going to do about that yet... we'll have to see how it goes... i might just take him with me to relief society.