Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Through the snowstorm... to the dentist!

So yesterday morning bright and early Zach had an 8am dentist appt., which seemed like a good idea when i made the appt.. wasn't such a great idea when there was a massive snow fall the night before and morning of. So we got all bundled and packed into the car to make the short drive (so we thought!) to Springville, where Zach's dentist is... well because of the snow, and the freeway ramp closure (we took some back roads, thanks to some awesome directions from Autumn!) we made it there 55 minutes later! I must say though that I am quite proud of myself for actually going, normally if i were to wake up and see that much snow I would say forget it, I'll reschedule... but since I already had rescheduled the appt, I hated to reschedule it again! I think I've turned over a new leaf with my scared of snowy roads, lol...

Anyways, back to the dentist. Zach did about as well as he normally does at the dentist, not too happy at all and the nurses (or dental assistants i guess?) kept commenting on how cute and sad his soft cry is, lol. SO after the cleaning the dentist took a look at his teeth and said they are still holding up remarkably well and No cavities (YEAH!). He did still say we'll watch how the teeth hold up, and hopefully Zach wont need caps put on them until he is 5 or 6, basically when he goes to school, so he doesnt get teased. He does want to try and get x-rays next time we go in, to see if there is anything else going on with his teeth. So, good news again for us now :) Just keeping our fingers crossed that they keep holding up!

Also last night Zach came up to me kind of crying/whining last night, and as i picked him up i noticed he was burning hot. So i took his temp... 101.6 poor guy :( So we got some Tylenol in him and took a long bath to help cool him down and by the time we got him to bed at 10 his fever was down to about 99.0.

Well about a half an hour later I was in bed reading and all of a sudden I could hear Zach just hysterically laughing in his room, just laughing and laughing away, I even woke Joe up so hear it. I have no idea what he was dreaming about, but it must have been good because he was laughing for a good 5 minutes, lol..

He's been a little better today, I've been able to keep his fever down with Tylenol, but I think he has a tummy bug :( he's had some not so fun diapers this morning :(

On some more exciting news though we are SO excited to see my mom this weekend!! She will be getting home from Ohio on Thursday and then driving up here Friday with Nathan and Katie :) Zach is very excited to see Grandma Trout (as we all are!)


Autumn said...

I'm glad the directions got you there! I miss 400 South. It's going to be a long year. How fun to see your mom!

Jennifer said...

That's hilarious that he laughed so long! Glad he's a little better.

Kasaundra said...

aww what a sweet little guy. I hope he feels better soon!

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the comment! And yes, I would love to "test sit" your bumbo seat. Probably in a few more weeks he will be old enough to try it. Thank you!

emily said...

well at least he's not having bad dreams about the dentist or being sick :) get well soon, Zach!!